Meghan McCain’s Video Series


Looking forward to these updates from Senator McCain’s daughter, Meghan, at

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3 Responses to “Meghan McCain’s Video Series”

  1. Peter Dunkerley Says:

    Nicely done. Its obvious to those of us who have met Mehgan, that she is as genuine as her dad. This young lady remembers me at every town hall meeting that we happen to bump into one another. Given the number of way more imoprtant people that she meets every day, I am amazed and encouraged by her focus and attention on whats really going on, most people would miss it.

  2. Andi Card Says:

    Just viewed both the above video’s you did for your Dad. Great job Meghan on both of them. Am sure you already know without my telling you that your Dad, is an amazing man. I call him the “engerizer bunny”. He certainly has the momentum to keep him going as is going to go all the way here in New Hampshire.
    I’m just one of the many volunteer’s working on the Senator’s campagin here in NH.
    Also have had the chance to attend several of his town hall meetings here, along with taking many and I mean many photos throughout the meeting’s I’ve attend.
    John McCain in 2008

  3. Georgene Molloy Says:

    Sincerity comes through loud and clear on your videos.

    Obviously there is DNA connection between you and your Dad because one gets the feeling of the same “authenticy” from you that made me decide to vote for your Dad.

    Keep on!

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