Posts Tagged ‘Barack’

CNN: It’s Biden

August 23, 2008

via, Democratic sources say Obama’s veep choice is Sen. Joe Biden.  Question: where’s the text?

UPDATE: If you recall, Joe Biden had this to say earlier in the primaries of Obama, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Barack’s Dilemma

August 2, 2008

Who’s Out of Touch? – Part 2

April 14, 2008

The Obama campaign sent out an email this afternoon requesting donations…

A few days ago, Barack spoke about the frustrations that working people in this country are feeling and said what we all know is true: that many people are bitter and angry because they believe their government isn’t listening to them.

You and I both know that the hope of changing that reality is what drives the unprecedented support for this campaign from ordinary people in every part of the country.

But our opponents have been spinning the media and peddling fake outrage around the clock. John McCain’s campaign, which will continue the George Bush economic policies that have devastated the middle class, called Barack out of touch and elitist. And Hillary Clinton, who is the candidate who said lobbyists represent real people, didn’t just echo the Republican candidate’s talking points: she actually used the very same words to pile on with more attacks.

They talk about spin, that’s a pretty impressive piece of spin right there. Senator Obama did not say, ‘bitter and angry because they believe their government isn’t listening to them.’ He said, “it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” So his campaign email stating that they are persuing “the hope of changing that reality” isn’t comforting. Exactly how do they plan on changing ‘bitter Middle America’, and does ‘bitter Middle America’ really wants Obama-style changes. He may not like President Bush’s economic policies, but I don’t hear too many small towners requesting the tax hike that would come with a repeal of the Bush tax cuts. Instead of blaming his competition for his demeaning remarks, maybe instead he should realize if you’re being criticized from the left and the right that maybe your remarks were genuinely offensive.